Course Materials for Undergrad Vulnerability Research
As presented in Pwn Lessons Made Easy With Docker: Toward an Undergraduate Vulnerability Research Cybersecurity Class
Vulnerability Research Course Materials [Github Repository]
Please cite: TJ OConnor, Alex Schmith, Chris Stricklan, Marco Carvalho, Sneha Sudhakaran. Pwn Lessons Made Easy With Docker: Toward an Undergraduate Vulnerability Research Cybersecurity Class. Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS 24), Portland, OR, March 2024. [bib] [pdf]
Course Materials for Undergrad Reverse Engineering
As presented in Toward an Automatic Exploit Generation Competition for an Undergraduate Binary Reverse Engineering Course.
Reverse Engineering Course Materials, [Github Repository]
Please cite: TJ OConnor, Carl Mann, Tiffanie Petersen, Isaiah Thomas and Chris Stricklan. Toward an Automatic Exploit Generation Competition for an Undergraduate Binary Reverse Engineering Course. In Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), Dublin, Ireland, July 2022. ACM. [bib] [pdf]
Archived Cybersecurity Competitions
Space Heroes CTF, 2024
Cyber Heroines CTF, 2023
Space Heroes CTF, 2023
AvengerCON CTF, 2022
Space Heroes CTF, 2022
US Cyber Open, Season 2, 2022.
Labeled Dataset of IoT Malware
As presented in Toward a Labeled Dataset of IoT Malware Features
Please cite Stian Olsen and TJ OConnor. Toward a Labeled Dataset of IoT Malware Features. IEEE Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2023), Torino, Italy, June 2023. [bib] [pdf]
Labeled Dataset of IoT Traffic
As presented in Through the Spyglass: Towards Labeling on-demand IoT traffic
Please cite Daniel Campos and TJ OConnor. Towards labeling on-demand iot traffic. In Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), Virtual Event, August 2021. USENIX. [bib] [pdf]
MITMProxy Scripts for Vulnerable IoT Companion Apps
As presented in Through the Spyglass: Toward IoT Companion App
Please cite TJ OConnor, Dylan Jesse, and Daniel Camps. Through the spyglass: Toward IoT companion app man-in-the-middle attacks. In Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET), Virtual Event, August 2021. USENIX. [bib] [pdf]
Metasploit Modules for HoneyBadger Framework
As presented at ShmooCon 2013: Hide and Seek, Post-Exploitation Style
HoneyBadger Framework, written by Tim Thomes
Violent Python
Source code from Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers