Terrence (TJ) OConnor
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired), US Army
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Ph.D., Computer Science, May 2019
Dissertation: Network Access Control through Host and Application Analysis
Advisor: Dr. William Enck
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
M.S., Computer Science, May 2008
Thesis: Bluetooth Misuse Detection
Advisor: Dr. Douglas Reeves
SANS Technology Institute, Bethesda, MD
M.S., Information Security Engineering, 2012
Focus: Digital Forensics
Advisor: Dr. Ray Davidson
US Military Academy, West Point, NY
B.S., Computer Science, May 1999
Thesis: Denial of Service Prevention
Advisor: Dr. Jim Jensen
Academic and Research Appointments
Program Chair, Information Assurance and Cybersecurity, Florida Tech, 2019-2024
Assistant Professor, Computer Sciences and Cybersecurity, Florida Tech, 2019-2024
Department Head, Army ROTC, Military Studies, Florida Tech, 2015-2019
Assistant Professor, US Military Academy, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010-2011
Instructor, US Military Academy, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008-2010
Military Assignments
Asst. Chief of Staff, G6 Communications, 1st Special Forces Command, 2014-2015
Directorate Signal Officer, Office of Special Warfare, 2013-2014
Group Signal Officer, 10th Special Forces Group, 2011-2013
Battalion Signal Officer, 1/7 Special Forces Battalion, 2003-2006
Battalion Signal Officer, 1/2 Attack Helicopter Battalion, 2000-2002
Platoon Leader, 57th Signal Battalion, 1999-2000
Selected Publications
O'Connor, T.J., Schmith, A., Stricklan, C., Carvalho, M., Sudhakaran, S. "Pwn Lessons Made Easy With Docker: Toward an Undergraduate Vulnerability Research Cybersecurity Class." Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS 24), Portland, OR, March 2024. (acceptance rate=33%) [bib] [pdf]
Gough, C., Mann, C., Ficke, C., Namukasa, M., Carroll, M., O'Connor, T.J. "Remote Controlled Cyber: Toward Engaging and Educating a Diverse Cybersecurity Workforce." Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS 24), Portland, OR, March 2024. (acceptance rate=33%) [bib] [pdf]
O'Connor, T.J., Mann, C., Petersen, T., Thomas, I., Stricklan, C. "Toward an Automatic Exploit Generation Competition for an Undergraduate Binary Reverse Engineering Course." Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2022), Dublin, Ireland, July 2022. ACM. (acceptance rate=29%) [bib] [pdf​]
O'Connor, T.J. "Helo darkside: Breaking free from katas and embracing the adversarial mindset in cybersecurity education." Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS 2022), Providence, RI, March 2022. ACM.. [bib] [pdf]
O'Connor, T.J., Stricklan, C. "Teaching a hands-on mobile and wireless cybersecurity course." Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2021), Virtual Event, June 2021. ACM. (acceptance rate=31%) [bib] [pdf]
Janes, B., Crawford, H., O'Connor, T.J. "Never ending story: Authentication and access control design flaws in shared IoT devices." Security and Privacy SafeThings Workshop (SafeThings 2020), Virtual Event, May 2020. IEEE. [bib] [pdf
O'Connor, T.J., Enck, W., Reaves, B. "Blinded and confused: Uncovering systemic flaws in device telemetry for smart-home internet of things." Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2019), Miami, FL, May 2019. ACM. (acceptance rate=25.6%, Best Paper) [bib] [pdf]
O'Connor, T.J., Mohamed, R., Miettinen, M., Enck, W., Reaves, B., Sadeghi, A.-R. "Homesnitch: Behavior transparency and control for smart home IoT devices." Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2019), Miami, FL, May 2019. ACM. (acceptance rate=25.6%) [bib] [pdf]
O'Connor, T.J., Enck, W., Petullo, W.M., Verma, A. "Pivotwall: SDN-based information flow control." Symposium on SDN Research (SoSR 2018), San Francisco, CA, March 2018. ACM.(acceptance rate=28.6%) [bib] [pdf]
O'Connor, T.J., Sangster, B. "honeym: A framework for implementing virtual honey clients for mobile devices." Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2010), Hoboken, NJ, March 2010. ACM.(acceptance rate=21%) [bib] [pdf]
O'Connor, T.J., Reeves, D. "Bluetooth network-based misuse detection." Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2008), Anaheim, CA, December 2008. ACSAC. (acceptance rate=24%) [bib] [pdf]
Co-Chair, The Human Element in Autonomous Cyber Security Workshop (2021)
Organizing Committee Member, ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) (2024)
Program Committee Member, USENIX Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (2020, 2021)
Program Committee Member, Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference (2021-2023)
Program Committee Member, ACM Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE) (2022, 2023)
Program Committee Member, ACM SIGCSE (2022)
Program Committee Member, Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WISEC) (2023)
Program Committee Member, IoT Security and Cyber Threat Intelligence (2023)
Program Committee Member, International Workshop on Cyberspace Security and Artificial Intelligence (CAI) (2023)
Reviewer, ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (2019, 2020)
Reviewer, ACM Transactions on Security and Privacy (2020)
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2020)
Reviewer, ACM Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2021)
Reviewer, National Science Foundation (NSF) (twice in 2022)
Kerry Bruce Clark Award for Excellence in Teaching, Florida Tech, 2024
Teaching Award, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Florida Tech, 2023
Best Student Paper Award, Computing Conference, 2023
Professor of the Year Award, Florida Tech Student Government Association, 2022
Best Faculty Award, International Student Community, Florida Tech, 2020
Best Paper Award, ACM Workshop on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), 2019
National Cybersecurity Innovation Award, March 2013
Excellence in Education: Clark K Ray Award, US Military Academy Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (D/EECS), May 2010
Bronze Star, Operation Enduring Freedom, US Army, June 2004
Bronze Order of Mercury, US Army Signal Regiment, May 2010
Cyber Challenge Champion, National Defense University, 2009
National Cyber League Championships Winning Coach, 2021, 2022
NSA Cyber Defense Exercise Winning Co-Coach, 2009, 2011
SANS NetWars Competition Record High Score, 2012
Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society
Special Operations Support (K9) Identifier
Association for Computers and Machinery, Member
Professional Activities
Head Coach, US Cyber Games National Team, 2021-2022 Season
SANS Institute Cyber Guardian Red and Blue Teams, 2011-Present
Northeast Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (NECCDC), Red Team, 2010-2011
Southeast Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (SECCDC), Red Team, 2016-2019
Southeast Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (SECCDC) Director, 2024.
Cyber Patriot (National Youth Cyber Education Program), Mentor, 2015-2016
Public Speaking
O'Connor, T.J. {2024]. Hacking Academia. Presented Keynote Address at Hackers Teaching Hackers, Columbus, OH, November 15.
O'Connor, T.J. [2024]. Teaching Pwn in the Classroom. Presented at the NSA Center of Academic Excellence Cyber Operations Workshop, April 15.
Skoudis, E., O'Connor, T.J., Swenson, M., Rubler, L., & Willkerson, B. [2024]. SANS Orlando Featured Keynote Panel Discussion: Ask the Experts: How to Grow Your Success in Cybersecurity. March 25.
O'Connor, T.J. [2023]. Pwn My Ride: Introduction to Aarch64 Return Oriented Programming. Guest Lecture, US Military Academy, West Point, NY, October 24.
O'Connor, T.J. [2023]. A Case Against Smart Things. Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Conference, Melbourne, FL, February 24.
O'Connor, T.J. [2022]. Keynote Address. 780th Military Intelligence Brigade Ball, Baltimore, MD, December 3.
O'Connor, T.J., Moussouris, K., & Ahern, C. [2022]. Crowdsourcing CyberConflict. AvengerCon, Columbia, MD, December 3.
O'Connor, T.J. [2022]. Pwn My Ride: Aarch64 Return Oriented Programming. Guest Lecture, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, November 29.
O'Connor, T.J. [2022]. A Case Against Smart Things. Tampa Armed Forces Communications Association, Tampa, FL, October 19.
O'Connor, T.J. [2022]. Keynote Address. Central Florida Cybersecurity Summit, Lake Mary, FL, October 7.
O'Connor, T.J. [2022]. Modern Cyberwarfare: Lessons from the Ukrainian Conflict. Invited Guest Speaker, 1st Special Forces Command Communications Conference, Tampa, FL, September 14.
O'Connor, T.J., Brown, D., & Schmelk, S. [2022]. Going for the Gold! Insights and Lessons Learned from Coaching the First-ever US Cyber Games Team. NICE Conference and Expo, June 7.
O'Connor, T.J. [2022]. The Picture is Incomplete. Fort Gordon Innovation Day Guest Speaker, May 17.
O'Connor, T.J. [2021]. The Threat of Ransomware: What Does it Mean for Small Businesses?. Service Academy Monthly Invited Speaker, Virtual Event, September.
O'Connor, T.J. [2021]. Towards Labeled IoT Datasets. NSA CAE-R Workshop, Virtual Event, September.
O'Connor, T.J. & Jackson, J. [2021]. The Road to Athens: What Does it Take to Lead the US Cyber Team to victory?. ITSP Magazine Podcast, September.
O'Connor, T.J., Campos, D., & Jessee, D. [2021]. IoT Dataset Findings IoT Man-in-the-Middle Vulnerabilities. Presented Technical Cyber Technology Branch, CO2 Division, C5ISR Center, May.
O'Connor, T.J., Campos, D., & Jessee, D. [2021]. IoT Dataset Findings IoT Man-in-the-Middle Vulnerabilities. Presented to US Army Cyber Command, May.
O'Connor, T.J. [2021]. Backdoors in IoT Devices: Accidental or Intentional. Podcast Interview with REFirmLabs (now acquired by Microsoft), May.
O'Connor, T.J. [2021]. Examining IoT Security Weaknesses. Device Security IO Podcast, March.
O'Connor, T.J. [2021]. A Case Against Smart Things: Reversing IoT Devices for Vulnerabilities. Southwest Florida Information Security Conference, Virtual Event, February.
O'Connor, T.J. & Campos, D. [2021]. Students help build the IoT lab in their cybersecurity program. A conversation with Florida Tech's Dr. T.J O'Connor and Daniel Campos, ITSP Magazine Podcast, January.
O'Connor, T.J. & Campos, D. [2020]. Vulnerabilities in Commercial Smart Home Cameras and Doorbells. Presented to US Army Cyber Command, December.
O'Connor, T.J. & Campos, D. [2020]. Methods for Labeling IoT Traffic Datasets. Presented to Technical Cyber Technology Branch, CO2 Division, C5ISR Center, October.
O'Connor, T.J. & Enck, W. [2017]. "Classifying and Enforcing Network Profiles of Smart Home IoT Devices". SELIoT: Securing Lifecycle of Internet of Things, Aalto University, Finland, September.
O'Connor, T.J. [2016]. "Ethical and Technical Considerations of the FBI's iPhone Writ". US Military Academy Cyber Defense Laboratory Invited Guest Speaker, March.
O'Connor, T.J. & Burhop, D. [2016]. "The Hacker Always Gets Through". American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, Louisville, KY, June.
O'Connor, T.J. [2013]. "Why Every Defender Should Know How To Write Exploits". B-Sides Augusta Security Conference, Augusta, GA, September.
O'Connor, T.J. [2013]. "Don’t Pull Your Goalie: The Role of an Active Defense". ForenSecure Security Conference, Wheaton, IL, April.
O'Connor, T.J. & Tomes, T. [2013]. "Hide and Seek: Post-Exploitation Style". ShmooCon Security Conference, Washington DC, February.
O'Connor, T.J., Wertheimer, M., DiGiovanni, F., Papay, M., Brown, J., & Mahaffey, K. [2012]. "Cyber Security Training". I/ITSEC, Orlando, FL, December.
O'Connor, T.J., Bassel, E., Carroll, O., Denman, B., Fanelli, R., & Runyan, S. [2012]. "Keys to Fighting and Winning a Cyber War". AFCEA Homeland Security Conference, Washington DC, February.
O'Connor, T.J., Grunzweig, N., & Brasefield, D. [2010]. "honeyM: A Framework for Implementing Virtual Honeyclients for Mobile Devices". ShmooCon Security Conference, Washington DC, February.